

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It’s a great honor for me to win the prize. I’d like to share the prize with my kids. This is because their birth leads me to think more about the history. I’m thinking what history means to our next generation. How will they think about the history? Can they find the real history? They, my lovely boys, give me the energy to design the artifact. And I also will thank to my wife. She is the one who can support me at any time. And you know home work is not as enjoyable as designing. I’m very sorry that I can’t stand here because of visa and some other personal issues. Poland is one of the places presented in my dreams. Frédéric François Chopin is well known in China. Poland is our poster designers’ kingdom. The International Socio-Political Poster Biennial in Oswiecim / Poland is not only a platform for designers to show their ideas, but also a great platform to spread Democracy, to make friends with designers worldwide. Hope I can travel to Poland later. And welcome all of you, my friends, to China. Thanks to judges again. I know other candidates are also very excellent. Their artifacts are same qualified for the prize. May the event a great success!

Brs, Bangqian Zheng


大家好! 我很高兴能获得这个奖, 我最想把这个奖送给我的孩子,因为有了他们才有了这个作品的诞生。有了他们后我迫切思考历史对我的下一代意味这什么?他们应该持有什么样的态度来对待那段历史,以及他们知道真相的权利是不是得到很好的保证。 至少他们应该知道的比我们更多。那段历史也不允许被任意抹去。他们给了我创作的动力和责任。还要感谢我的老婆,她一直支持我,不管在她高兴还是不高兴的时候。 因为护照和身体的原因不能成行,我感到特别的遗憾,因为波兰是我一直想去的地方,它是海报之国 ,波兰不仅有肖邦,还有众多的海报设计大师。波兰政治海报双年展不仅是设计的平台,他还是友谊的平台,民主的平台。我想通过他肯定可以结识很多志同道合的朋友。 希望今后有机会可以前往。也希望朋友们来中国作客。 谢谢大家,感谢评委把这个奖给我,因为我知道其他作品同样优秀,祝展览顺利举办。

你们的朋友邦谦 2010.9.28


  • 十月 10th, 2010
  • Posted in 未分类

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